GATE Class Schedule

GATE Class Schedules for December 18th 19th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th and 25th

GATE Aerospace Engineering- Batch-1
GATE Coaching Class Schedules

Monday (December 18th)
5pm-8pm, Numerical Aptitude by Mr Karthik (IISc-Bangalore Fellow)
Tuessday(December 19th)
5pm-8pm, Numerical Aptitude by Mr Karthik (IISc-Bangalore Fellow)
Thursday(December 21st)
5pm-8pm, Numerical Aptitude by Mr Karthik (IISc-Bangalore Fellow)
Friday(December 22nd)
5pm-8pm, Numerical 
Aptitude by Mr Karthik (IISc-Bangalore Fellow)
Saturday(December 23rd)
9.30am-1.30pm, Doubt Class, Gas Dynamics by Mr Shambhu (IIT-Mumbai Fellow)

GATE Mock Tests
Aircraft Stability
Space Dynamics

GATE Mechanical Engineering
GATE Coaching Class Schedules

Monday (December 18th)
5pm-8pm, Numerical Aptitude by Mr Karthik (IISc-Bangalore Fellow)
Tuessday(December 19th)
9am-5pm, Machining and Machining tools revision by Mr Naveen (IIT-Hyderabad Fellow)
5pm-8pm, Numerical Aptitude by Mr Karthik (IISc-Bangalore Fellow)
Thursday(December 21st)
5pm-8pm, Numerical Aptitude by Mr Karthik (IISc-Bangalore Fellow)
Friday(December 22nd)
5pm-8pm, Numerical 
Aptitude by Mr Karthik (IISc-Bangalore Fellow)
Saturday(December 23rd)
9.30am-6pm, Fluid revision by Mr Naeem Khan (IIT-Madras Fellow)
Sunday(December 24th)
9am-11pm, Mathematics, by Mr Prashant (IIT-Kgp Fellow)
11am-6pm, Fluid revision by Mr Naeem Khan (IIT-Madras Fellow)
Monday(December 25th)
9am-6pm, Fluid revision by Mr Naeem Khan (IIT-Madras Fellow)

GATE Mock Tests
TOM and Vibration

GATE Aerospace Engineering- Batch-2
GATE Coaching Class Schedules

Monday (December 18th)
5pm-8pm, Numerical Aptitude by Mr Karthik (IISc-Bangalore Fellow)
Tuessday(December 19th)
5pm-8pm, Numerical Aptitude by Mr Karthik (IISc-Bangalore Fellow)
Thursday(December 21st)
5pm-8pm, Numerical Aptitude by Mr Karthik (IISc-Bangalore Fellow)
Friday(December 22nd)
5pm-8pm, Numerical 
Aptitude by Mr Karthik (IISc-Bangalore Fellow)
Saturday(December 23rd)
9.30am-1.30pm, Doubt Class, Gas Dynamics by Mr Shambhu (IIT-Mumbai Fellow)
2pm-6pm, Flight Mechanics revision, by Mr Navaneeth (IIST-Trivendrum Fellow)
Sunday(December 17th)
9am-11pm, Mathematics, by Mr Prashant (IIT-Kgp Fellow)
11am-6pm,Flight Mechanics revision, by Mr Navaneeth (IIST-Trivendrum Fellow)
Monday(December 25th)
9am-6pm,Flight Mechanics revision, by Mr Navaneeth (IIST-Trivendrum Fellow)

GATE Mock Tests
Aircraft Stability
Space Dynamics

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