GATE Class Schedule

GATE 2021 Online Coaching Class Schedule for November 24th to November 29th for Batch 1 n 2

GATE Electronics Engineering(ECE)

November 24th (Tuesday)

9pm-11.30pm, Control System by Mr Arnab (IISc B Fellow)

November 26th (Thursday)

9pm-11.30pm, Analog Circuit by Mr Dhiraj (IIT B Fellow)

November 28th (Saturday)

5pm-7.30pm, Communication by Mr Mukesh (IIT Kgp Fellow)

November 29th (Sunday)

9.30am-11.30am, Analog Circuit by Mr Dhiraj (IIT B Fellow)
Control System by Mr Arnab (IISc B Fellow)

GATE Online Mock Test

Network, EMT, EDC, Signal System and Communication

GATE Electrical Engineering(EEE) 

November 24th (Tuesday)

9pm-11.30pm, Control System by Mr Arnab (IISc B Fellow)

November 25th (Wednesday)

6pm-8.30pm, Power ECE by Mr Ram S (IIT-Madras Fellow)

November 26th (Thursday)

9pm-11.15pm, Analog Circuit by Mr Dhiraj (IIT B Fellow)

November 28th (Saturday)

5pm-7.30pm, Power ECE by Mr Ram S (IIT-Madras Fellow)

November 29th (Sunday)

9.30am-11.30am, Analog Circuit by Mr Dhiraj (IIT B Fellow)
12pm-2.30pm, Control System
 by Mr Arnab (IISc B Fellow)

GATE Online Mock Test 

Network, EMT. Power System, Machine and Measurements

GATE Instrumentation Engineering(INE)

November 24th (Tuesday)

9pm-11.30pm, Control System by Mr Arnab (IISc B Fellow)

November 26th (Thursday)

6pm-8.30pm, Process Control by Mr Rahul D (IIT Hyderabad Fellow)
9pm-11.15pm, Analog Circuit
 by Mr Dhiraj (IIT B Fellow)

November 28th (Saturday)

5pm-7.30pm, Process Control by Mr Rahul D (IIT Hyderabad Fellow)

November 29th (Sunday)

9.30am-11.30am, Analog Circuit by Mr Dhiraj (IIT B Fellow)
12pm-2.30pm, Control System
 by Mr Arnab (IISc B Fellow)

GATE Online Mock Test

Network, EMT, EDC, Signal System, Electrical Machine, Power System and Measurements

GATE Computer Science Engineering(CSE)

November 24th (Tuesday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, Operating System by Mr Deepak P (IISc- Bangalore Fellow)

November 26th (Thursday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, DBMS Mr Deepak Anand (NIT-W Fellow)

November 28th (Saturday)

5pm-7.30pm, DBMS Mr Deepak Anand (NIT-W Fellow)

November 29th (Sunday)

9.30am-11.30am, DBMS Mr Deepak Anand (NIT-W Fellow)
12pm-2.30pm, Operating System by 
Mr Deepak P (IISc- Bangalore Fellow)

GATE Online Mock Test

Disc Mathematics, Computer Network and Data Structures

GATE Mechanical Engineering (ME)

November 24th (Tuesday)

9pm-11.30pm, Mechanical Vibration by Mr Dinesh Kumar (IIT Madras Fellow)

November 26th (Thursday)

9pm-11.30pm, HMT by Mr Rishi (IIT- KGP Fellow)

November 27th (Friday)

9pm-11.30pm, Engineering Mathematics by Mr Karthik K (IISc- Bangalore Fellow)

November 28th (Saturday)

5pm-7.30pm, HMT by Mr Rishi (IIT- KGP Fellow)

November 29th (Sunday)

12pm-2.15pm, HMT by Mr Rishi (IIT- KGP Fellow)

GATE Online Mock Test

EM, Thermodynamics and Industrial & Production

GATE Aerospace Engineering(AE)

November 24th (Tuesday)

9pm-11.30pm, Mechanical Vibration by Mr Dinesh Kumar (IIT Madras Fellow)

November 25th (Wednesday)

9pm-11.30pm, Aircraft Performance by Mr Navaneeth (IIST Trivendrum Fellow)

November 26th (Thursday)

9pm-11.30pm, Mechanical Vibration by Mr Dinesh Kumar (IIT Madras Fellow)

November 28th (Saturday)

5pm-7.30pm, Rocket Propulsion class by Mr Prateek M (IIT Mumbai Fellow))
9pm-11.30pm, Mechanical Vibration by Mr Dinesh Kumar (IIT Madras Fellow)

November 29th (Sunday)

5pm-7.30pm, Rocket Propulsion class by Mr Prateek M (IIT Mumbai Fellow))
12pm-2.15pm, Aircraft Performance by Mr Navaneeth (IIST Trivendrum Fellow)

GATE Online Mock Test

EM, Thermodynamics and FM+Aerodynamics


Best GATE Online and GATE Class Room CoachingClasses for GATE AE | ME | ECE | EEE | INE | CSE 


GATE 2020 - AE- AIR- 5, 12,12, 24,44, 58, 59, 74, 77, 77, 91, 91, 99, 106, 109,118, 118, 118, 142, 149, 160,163, 172, 179, 195, 195, 208, 227, 242, 258 andmore

ECE- AIR-1568,2264, 2504 and more

EEE- AIR-1382,1973 and more

ME- GATEScore- 555, 504 and more

GATE 2019- AIR- 2, 4, 42,53, 58, 69, 98, 98, 114, 123, 142, 168, 168, 190, 205,219, 236, 260, 286, 313,333, 333, 342, 369, 375, 421, 489, 506,517, 1510, 1920, 2359, 2625,3413, 3896, 5100, 6362, 6508 and more

GATE 2018 - AIR-27, 87, 87, 108, 265,303, 314, 425, 425 436, 452 and more


Enrollment open for GATE 2021 Online and Class Room Aerospace (AE) and GATE Mechanical (ME), GATE Electronics (ECE), GATE Instrumentation (INE), Computer Science (CSE) and GATE Electrical (EEE) Engineering Coaching ...

Scholarship for GATE Qualified and University toppers

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