GATE Class Schedule

GATE 2021 Online Coaching Class Schedule for August 11th to August 16th for Batch 3

GATE Electronics Engineering(ECE)

August 11th (Tuesday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, Network Theory by Mr VRaghuram (IIT Bombay Fellow)

August 12th (Wednesday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, EMT by Mr Shiva K (CSIRFellow)

August 14th (Friday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, EMT by Mr Shiva K (CSIRFellow)

August 15th (Saturday)

2pm-4.30pm, Network Theory by Mr VRaghuram (IIT Bombay Fellow)
5pm-8pm, EDC by Mr Kamal (IIT R Fellow)

August 16th (Sunday)

00pm-2pm, Network Theory by Mr VRaghuram (IIT Bombay Fellow)

GATE Online Mock Test

Digital ECE,Network, Signal and Eng Mathematics

GATE Electrical Engineering(EEE) 

August 11th (Tuesday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, Network Theory by MrV Raghuram (IIT Bombay Fellow)

August 12th (Wednesday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, Measurements by MrArnab (IISc- Bangalore Fellow)

August 14th (Friday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, Measurements by MrArnab (IISc- Bangalore Fellow)

August 15th (Saturday)

2pm-4.30pm, Network Theory by Mr VRaghuram (IIT Bombay Fellow)

August 16th (Sunday)

9.30am-11.30am, Electrical Machine by Mr Ram K(IIT-Madras Fellow)
00pm-2pm, Network Theory by Mr V Raghuram (IIT Bombay Fellow)

GATE Online Mock Test

Digital ECE,Network, Signal and Eng Mathematics

GATE Instrumentation Engineering(INE)

August 11th (Tuesday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, Network Theory by MrV Raghuram (IIT Bombay Fellow)

August 12th (Wednesday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, Measurements by MrArnab (IISc- Bangalore Fellow)

August 13th (Thursday)

9.15pm-11.30pm,Sensor Instrumentation by Mr Utpal (IIT Patana Fellow)

August 14th (Friday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, Measurements by MrArnab (IISc- Bangalore Fellow)

August 15th (Saturday)

2pm-4.30pm, Network Theory by Mr VRaghuram (IIT Bombay Fellow)
5pm-8pm, Sensor Instrumentation by Mr Utpal (IIT Patana Fellow)

August 16th (Sunday)

9.30am-11.30am, Electrical Machine by Mr Ram K(IIT-Madras Fellow)
00pm-2pm, Network Theory by Mr V Raghuram (IIT Bombay Fellow)

GATE Online Mock Test

Digital ECE,Network, Signal and Eng Mathematics

GATE Computer Science Engineering(CSE)

August 11th (Tuesday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, Disc Mathematics by Mr DeepakPoonia (IISc- Bangalore Fellow)

August 12th (Wednesday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, Data structures MrKarthik K (IISc- Bangalore Fellow)

August 13th (Thursday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, Computer Network by MrDeepak (NIT-W Fellow)

August 14th (Friday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, Disc Mathematics by Mr DeepakPoonia (IISc- Bangalore Fellow)

August 15th (Saturday)

2pm-4.30pm, General Aptitude by Mr Karthik K(IISc- Bangalore Fellow)
5pm-7pm, Data structures Mr Karthik K (IISc- Bangalore Fellow)

August 16th (Sunday)

9.30am-11.30am, Computer Network by MrDeepak (NIT-W Fellow)
00pm-2pm, General Aptitude by Mr Karthik K (IISc- Bangalore Fellow)

GATE Online Mock Test

Digital ECE, Disc Mathematics, Eng Mathematics,Programming and COA

GATE Mechanical Engineering (ME)

August 11th (Tuesday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, IndustrialEngineering by Mr Naveen (IISc- Bangalore Fellow)

August 12th (Wednesday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, Thermodynamics by MrRishi (IIT-Kgp Fellow)

August 13th (Thursday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, IndustrialEngineering by Mr Naveen (IISc- Bangalore Fellow)

August 15th (Saturday)

2pm-4.30pm, Engineering Mechanics by MrAnubhav (PSU Fellow)
5pm-8pm, Industrial Engineering by Mr Naveen (IISc-Bangalore Fellow)

August 16th (Sunday)

9.30am-11.30am, Thermodynamics by Mr Rishi(IIT-Kgp Fellow)
00pm-2pm, Engineering Mechanics by Mr Anubhav (PSU Fellow)

GATE Online Mock Test

EM, SOM, Mathematics, FM

GATE Aerospace Engineering(AE)

August 11th (Tuesday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, Basic Fluid + Aerodynamicsby Mr Hemaraj (IISc- Bangalore Fellow)

August 12th (Wednesday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, Thermodynamics by MrRishi (IIT-Kgp Fellow)

August 13th (Thursday)

9.15pm-11.30pm, Gasdynamics by Mr S Kumar(IIT-Bombay Fellow)

August 15th (Saturday)

2pm-4.30pm, Engineering Mechanics by MrAnubhav (PSU Fellow)
5pm-8pm, Gasdynamics by Mr S Kumar (IIT-Bombay Fellow)

August 16th (Sunday)

9.30am-11.30am, Basic Fluid+ Aerodynamics by Mr Hemaraj (IISc- Bangalore Fellow)
00pm-2pm, Engineering Mechanics by Mr Anubhav (PSU Fellow)

GATE Online Mock Test

EM, SOM, Mathematics, FM


Best GATE Online and GATE Class Room CoachingClasses for GATE AE | ME | ECE | EEE | INE | CSE 


GATE 2020 - AE- AIR- 5, 12,12, 24,44, 58, 59, 74, 77, 77, 91, 91, 99, 106, 109,118, 118, 118, 142, 149, 160,163, 172, 179, 195, 195, 208, 227, 242, 258 andmore

ECE- AIR-1568,2264, 2504 and more

EEE- AIR-1382,1973 and more

ME- GATEScore- 555, 504 and more

GATE 2019- AIR- 2, 4, 42,53, 58, 69, 98, 98, 114, 123, 142, 168, 168, 190, 205,219, 236, 260, 286, 313,333, 333, 342, 369, 375, 421, 489, 506,517, 1510, 1920, 2359, 2625,3413, 3896, 5100, 6362, 6508 and more

GATE 2018 - AIR-27, 87, 87, 108, 265,303, 314, 425, 425 436, 452 and more


Enrollment open for GATE 2021 Online and ClassRoom Aerospace (AE) and GATE Mechanical (ME), GATE Electronics (ECE), GATEInstrumentation (INE), Computer Science (CSE) and GATE Electrical (EEE)Engineering Coaching ...

Scholarship for GATE Qualified and Universitytoppers

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